Monday, June 30, 2014

cookie date

So we've been here about a month, and the loneliness of living in a new place has really started to set in. I am intensely introverted, so moving and starting all new relationships is very anxiety inducing for me. Add that to the fact that Jess starts his intern year tomorrow (ie: he's going to be insanely busy and might as well move into his office at the hospital.) and we've all had a rough week. I'm struggling (as usual) to just place that anxiety into the Almighty's hands. We spent some time yesterday talking about it, and praying together, and today has been a much better day.

I know I'm going to have to be really proactive about filling Peter and I's days with positive and educational activities to help keep the lonelies at bay until we've settled in more. The challenge is doing that while working around his nap schedule and our budget!

Anyway, this afternoon I realized that though he LOVES my Kitchenaid mixer, and I let him stand on the stool and watch when I use it, I don't involve him as much as he's capable of now at 16 months. So today we made cookies! He took his role very seriously and watched and followed instructions really well! I don't think it's ever taken me that long to make a batch of cookies before, but it was fun for both of us.

We followed this basic recipe for Chewy Coconut Cookies, but I added about 3/4 cup chopped pecans, and toasted the pecans and coconut before hand. they turned out really yummy!

Every time the mixer catches his eye he starts mimicking the sound of the motor. And gets SO excited any time I use it! 

Lickin' his first cookie spoon!
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watching them bake
Lola is right in the middle of things, as usual!

Peter approves!

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